About Me

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Loughton, Essex, United Kingdom
30 Something, Saucy, Busty, Blonde, Fun-loving Escort and a little bit of a milf. Based in Loughton Essex only 30 mins from London Liverpool Street.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

A mini moan

I don't like having to moan in my blog but I've got to get something off my chest (so to speak lol).

Lately I've had so many calls asking for last minute appointments,by last minute I mean like an hour before. So I'm going to make it clear on how I do things and the reason why,I like to know in advance what I'm doing for the day so I'm all relaxed,ready and prepared. Now it might say on my diary page that I'm available from 11am till 7pm but surely you don't think I'm "At it" for 8 hours a day do you? LOL
I see two appointments a day and I'm very strict on that,I then fit my other life in (I won't bore you with the in's and out's of that). So if you ring me at 5pm asking for a 6pm appointment I've already probably got other things planned by then and I'm off doing other stuff,your just never going to get to see me at that rate.

So here's how to get an appointment with me,either email me in advance by that I mean 48 hours notice or you can ring me up the day before or sometimes even on the morning of your requested appointment but this MUST be before 11am,after 11am I'm normally busy so I won't be able to answer your call and I don't have a voicemail anymore because I was getting silly messages from drunks at all hours of the night,no one needs to hear that when they wake up in the morning do they!

So really it's quite simple please give me a bit of notice,that's all I'm asking ;)

Charlotte xXx