Not gonna let that stop me I thought! So I raided my store cupboard and found some tasty treats for them,walnuts,peanuts (non salted of course!) almonds,pumpkin seeds and since I'm such a healthy cook (Not!) lard in the fridge,sorry but I'm sooooo not into this arty farty olive oil on everything kinda girl give me good old fashioned lard/beef dripping/duck or goose fat anyday for my roast potatoes Mmmmm.
And so now my little birdies are pecking away at my homemade fat balls,it's dead easy just crush your nuts (nooooo the other ones!) and seeds in a bag with a rolling pin or if you prefer something more manly a hammer lol,warm your lard and mix together then let it cool and roll into balls or if your feeling really inspired a shape of a snowman,hey the birds don't care what shape it is but it will put a smile on your face when you see them enjoying your little handy work. Oh and another little tip if you are going to put some bread out for the birds butter it,they love that.
It's the simple things that make simple people smile ;)
Charlotte xXx