About Me

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Loughton, Essex, United Kingdom
30 Something, Saucy, Busty, Blonde, Fun-loving Escort and a little bit of a milf. Based in Loughton Essex only 30 mins from London Liverpool Street.

Monday, 19 October 2009

A Lucky Lady

Just want to say a special thank you to the gent who brought along these lovely gifts recently,I have to say I was pretty amazed at the very tasteful negligee set he bought me and it fits so perfectly too! Not that I was expecting crutchless knickers or anything like that but I was really bowled over by his taste as it would have been something I would have chose myself.

Now as for the chocolates well! If any of you readers happen to swan into "Hotel Chocolat" and buy some gorgeous chocolates from there,don't eat them..no...no...no... you really won't like them phnar phnar! Let me help you eat them errrr I mean discard them in the nearest boudoir,namely chez Loughton. Don't open the box!!! They will make your eyebrows fall off,turn your hair green,make you bark like a dog and make your mouth water and I wouldn't want that to happen to you! gosh I'm sooooooooo nice sometimes! ;)

Thank you darling for making this lady feel very special.

Charlotte xXx

Can you guess?

Well can you? Are you a clever clogs?
A dear friend of mine gave me these Russian dolls as a gift the other day,how lovely and thank you so much S oh and that lottery ticket was a duffer lol! Anyway back to topic,I'm a bit of a minimalist as far as my home is concerned but I just love Russian dolls for some reason and the more unusual the better. A bit of a kid in me I suppose? lol
My kitten loves Russian dolls too as I found one of my little dolls in his cat basket,naughty boy he is tut tut. Just imagine if he'd have swallowed it and it showed up on the x-ray! How confused would the vet have been hahaha
Anyway now my dolls are out of reach of his naughty paws. So can you name the dolls in this pic? Bet ya can't ;)
Charlotte xXx

Charlotte does steamy ......

Yes it's true! lol

I had a wonderful trip recently to sunny Scotland,to be honest when my lovely gentleman friend asked me to escort him on a train trip I kind thought oooooh noooooooo I flippin hate trains! But then he explained that this was no ordinary train trip,this was the Jacobite steam train from Fort William to Mallaig. Well it didn't take me long to decide that I wanted to take the trip and wow I'm so glad I did!

We had such a wonderful time and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking! The weather was gorgeous and my companion fantastic,I was really lucky that my gentleman friend had connections so we got to ride with the staff and get a real sense of what it's like to work on a steam train. Bloody fantastic!

I'm probably only one of a few people that hasn't read the Harry Potter books but to see the HP fans hanging out of the window taking pictures of the viaduct that features in the book (so I'm told) did make me chuckle lol. It really was a trip to remember and whilst lighting my coal fire last night the memories of my wonderful sooty trip came flooding back,so if your thinking of taking this trip DO IT!!!!! It's magical.

Thank you Mr Cola,hehehe

Charlotte xXx