I'm so in love with this song "somebody I used to know" by Gotye feat Kimbra, I just can't get it out of my head! I love it! I'm going to buy the album Making Mirrors by Gotye, has anyone got it? Is it good? Please say yes! lol
So whats been happening in Miss Charlotte's world I hear you ask? Well I'm all ready for my Cheltenham tour on Sunday and I can't wait! I hope my gorgeous girlfriend Harriet can make it too. Erm what else oh I had my hair cut the other day and have gone a little blonder but to be honest I'm really missing being a brunette, why do we always want what we haven't got eh? So I might go back to being a brunette in a few months time ;-)
I've really been enjoying my pamper days and had quite a few recently, it's wonderful to be able to spend the whole day enjoying each others company, relaxing but having a whole lot of fun at the same time..Bliss! So Thank You to the lovely gents who made it possible.
I hope this horrid weather changes soon, I want to get my clothes off and catch some sun but I suppose I'll have to wait till June when I'll be off for a week, I'll obviously let you all know when nearer the time.
Have a great day lovely people.
Charlotte xXx